Friday, July 18, 2008

Facial Gymnastics Face Exercises Make Your Double Chin History

Have you ever noticed other people with a double chin and thought you could avoid developing one of your own? Most of us have, until one day we wake up and see our own second chin staring back at us in the mirror.

If you have a weight issue, getting rid of your double chin might be as easy as improving your overall health by developing an exercise routine. You might want to take up swimming, jogging, dancing or go to the gym, for instance.

You could also try changing your diet. That could help you shed weight, get rid of your double chin and feel more energized. Eating healthy can also prevent a lot of other health issues, such as diabetes and heart trouble, so you can't shed by exercising.

While we're discussing exercise, whether your double chin comes from a weight problem or from genetics, you can do facial exercises to get rid of your double chin.

One popular facial exercise is known as the shovel and it's used to work a muscle located in your jaw called the platysma. In basic terms, it involves opening your mouth as wide as possible and placing your bottom lip over your bottom teeth. Then just move your jaw up and down.

You can also practice several different facial expressions to exercise the muscles in your face. Try smiling, frowning, making a surprised look and more. All of that will help you control your double chin problem.

An additional exercise you can try is holding an object under your chin while opening your mouth as wide as possible. You might try using a tennis ball or baseball or, if you don't have one of those handy, maybe an orange or an apple. Having a round object under your chin will give you some added resistance for the exercise.

The muscles you should be concerned with are the same ones you use for chewing. But not so fast, since gaining weight can only add to your double chin health issues, that doesn't mean you should eat all the time. Instead, try chewing some sugarless gum. Chewing gum gives your jaw plenty of exercise.

While some people turn to cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance, using face exercises allows you to take matters into your own hands and lose the double chin and help your face look younger at the same time.

Click Here to learn how you can get rid of your double chin NATURALLY!

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