One of the biggest mistakes young women make is not following an anti aging skin care program. It's just too easy to think about other things when your complexion is smooth and firm. However, for those who do pay attention, the payoff is huge.
The method in which skin ages depends on several factors. These include some that are not within our control such as our genes but the most common factors can be seen in our lifestyle habits and routines. Although we are all bound to age with every year that passes and will wear some of the effects on our skin, there is much that we can do to prevent early signs of aging.
Uniform moisturizing is essential if you have dehydrated skin or any dry patches on your skin. Even skin that used to be oily can become dry as time passes. Dry skin is more common during the winter season when the air tends to be low in humidity and cold. Dryness is also pretty common in dry climates. Inside heating can also take its toll on usually healthy skin. A way to remedy these conditions is to use a quality skin care product line designed your particular age group and skin type.
Smoking has a negative effect on the skin and smokers will tend to look older more rapidly. And because the effect of smoke on the skin is external in large part, even non-smokers can suffer the consequences through second-hand smoke from those they live or associate with.
Too much exposure to the sun is also largely to blame for aging the skin. Skin can become leathery, develop dark pigment spots and grow very dry. The result is often the introduction of wrinkles and sagging. Protecting the skin from sun damage is important. In addition to the clear aging issues, over-exposure to sunlight can lead to cancer.
Still another anti aging strategy is getting plenty of exercise. Not only will your muscle tone improve but you'll experience increased blood circulation which helps to distribute nutrients and eliminate dangerous toxins.
It's also a good idea to limit alcohol consumption if you want to have a nice, glowing complexion. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and can lead to permanent damage. The result can be redness on the skin, customarily on the nose.
Stress and anxiety also play a role in aging and to prolong the onset of wrinkles an activity such as meditation or yoga may prove helpful. Many wrinkled faces are created because of worrying and stressful periods. By discovering a way to relax you'll be improving your health and your skin. You see, an effective anti aging skin care routine will result in extra health benefits you may have not thought of - and that's a added bonus any way you take it.
Even if you implement just one or two healthy skincare habits that you are not currently using you'll see amazing improvements.